Declarations of Interests (DoIs)

One of the main tasks of every public organisation is to serve the general interest. Citizens expect to be treated with integrity, objectively and impartially, independent of the personal interests of the civil servant. So the general legislation for the civil servant include rules in that matter.

With regards to famhp this issue is of specific importance. It shows tasks that fall within the jurisdiction of famhp that knowledge of these sectors and the experience in this field are of fundamental importance to be able to perform these tasks properly. Therefore to accomplish these tasks, we collaborate extensively with the various sectors, who participate a lot. The law of 20th July 2006 about the creation and workings of famhp and the law of 25th March 1964 about medicines include the obligation to provide a statement of interest. This obligation applies equally to members of staff at famhp, to the members of the committees and commissions set up by famhp, as well as to external experts on whom the Agency calls. Declarations of interest are renewable annually and must be adapted on one’s own initiative to each change in circumstances which may have an influence on the presence or not of a conflict of interest. These declarations of interests are public.

Therefore famhp has adopted a proactive policy for managing conflicts of interest. Indeed the aim is not only to prohibit on the regulatory level to have personal interests in carrying out a task, but also to actively ensure that the integrity of the administrative decision-making process is maintained. Taking into account the tasks of famhp and the way of carrying them out, a categorical ban on conflicts of interest would be counterproductive. This is why the adopted policy aims to achieve a subtle balance between identifying the risks, excluding unacceptable forms of conflict of interest, managing existing situations correctly, the policy of making people aware and introducing procedures to identify, manage and resolve conflicts of interest.

The transparency of the declarations of interests is one of the measures of this policy. To this end the declarations of interests of the members of the committees and commissions set up by famhp, as well as those of the external and internal experts, on which the Agency calls, are available on famhp’s web site. 

The nature of the tasks which fall within the competence of famhp implies that in the Agency many transmitted documents contain data that are of a confidential nature since they contain data relating to the company and to their manufacturing. For this reason the declaration of interests also includes a confidentiality statement. For more information concerning access to administrative documents and the possibility or not of applying grounds for exception, see "How to access the administrative documents at famhp? ''

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