Hospital Pharmacy

Each hospital that comes under the law on hospitals that was coordinated on 7 August 1987 must have a hospital pharmacy or a medicinal product depot. The hospital pharmacy or the medicinal product depot is under the responsibility of a registered pharmacist, who may be assisted or replaced by one ore more pharmacists. They are allowed to be assisted, under their responsibility, by pharmacy assistants. The registered pharmacist of a hospital pharmacy is subject to all legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the management of a pharmacy that is open to the public.

These requirements are concerning:

• Storage, reception and delivery of medical devices;
• Conservation of medicinal products and raw materials
• Implementation and monitoring of a medicinal product delivery system inside the hospital, compliant with the regulations;
• Achieving sterile and non-sterile magistral and officinal preparations
• Supervision of the sterilization of reusable medical devices;
• Holding of records and documentation about performed acts.

All pharmacists are responsible for quality and conformity of medicinal products and medical devices that they deliver. He must, within the limits of his powers, take the necessary measures to ensure the proper use of those medicinal products and medical devices: detection of interactions between different medicinal products taken by the same patient, advice on dosage, possible side effects etc…

The enforcement of this regulation is given to pharmacist inspectors, who can punish pharmacists who are in violation.

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