DHPCs (Direct healthcare Professional Communications)

A Direct Healthcare Professional Communication (DHPC) is a letter sent by pharmaceutical companies to healthcare professionals in order to inform them about possible risks that have been identified during the use of certain medicinal products and about the measures or recommendations to reduce those risks. The purpose of a DHPC is to inform healthcare practitioners as accurately as possible so that safety can be increased through the correct use of medicinal products. Pharmaceutical companies must submit their proposal for a DHPC to the competent authorities for approval.

DHPCs can be found in the medicinal products database.
Search for the name of the medicinal product to consult the DHPC. Click on "DHPC" in the results.

A DHPC is specifically intended for physicians and pharmacists. As DHPCs are however available to the public, we request patients who have questions about that matter to consult their physician or pharmacist.

More information
Procedure for sending a DHPC (available in French and Dutch)
Application form for the approval of a DHPC  
For DHPCs sent within the framework of RMAs (Risk Minimisation Activities) (available in French and Dutch)



















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