Private licence

Basic principles

Title 5 of the royal decree of 06.09.2017 regulating narcotics and/or psychotropic substances stipulates that a private person may apply for a private licence for the possession, procurement and import of GBL (gamma-butyrolactone) and/or 1.4-BD (1.4butanediol) if he/she can prove that:

  1. the substances will only be used for legal purposes;
  2. there are no alternatives for these substances in order to obtain the same result.

A Belgian economic operator may only supply GBL or 1.4 BD on submission of:

  1. this private licence, if the buyer is a private person;
  2. a customer declaration, if the buyer is another economic operator (no private person).

The customer declaration must clearly state the (usage) purposes. There is at the moment no mandatory model available and you can base your application on the model available for the drug precursors.

You will find more information regarding legislation on GBL and 1.4 BD in the relevant royal decree.

Application for a private licence

To apply for a private licence, you must complete the application form.

The throughput time can be consulted in article 52 of the relevant royal decree.

Renewal of the private licence

The private licence is valid for 3 years and can be renewed no later than 3 months before the expiry date via the abovementioned application form.

Changes to the private licence

Any changes in the details mentioned on the private licence must be notified to the FAMHP within fifteen days. This can also be done using the abovementioned application form.


A fee is payable for the first application, renewal and any amendment of an individual authorisation.

These fees are indexed each year and can be find under Fees.



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