Fintepla for DS

Active substance Fenfluramine (as fenfluramine hydrochloride)
Status Running
Indication Fintepla for the treatment of patients with Dravet syndrome who completed the open label study ZX008-1900 (EP0215; EudraCT number 2019-001331-31), or the open label study titled “Fenfluramine als anti-epilepticum bij Dravet syndroom en epileptische encephalopathieën” (EudraCT number 2011-004114-42), or the open label study EP0213 ( ID number NCT06118255) and, in the opinion and the clinical judgement of the treating physician, would continue to benefit from a treatment with Fintepla 2.2 mg/ml oral solution (fenfluramine), which is not yet commercially available in Belgium.
Public documents Approbation

Information for the patient

  Informed consent
Last update 03/04/2024


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