A symposium on working with and for patients - 25 September 2018

date: 13/07/2018

Patient participation throughout the development cycle of a medicinal product

The FAMPH is organising a symposium on working with and for patients to be held on 25 September 2018. The Agency believes that it is essential for patients to be involved and placed centre stage in all the activities that make up the development cycle of a medicinal product. The programme includes various initiatives on patient participation in clinical trials. Current pilot projects, where patient representatives are involved in the evaluation of clinical trials, will provide a concrete example.

The FAMHP welcomes Annemiek van Rensen as keynote speaker. Mrs van Rensen works for the Dutch-based PGO support, an independent network organisation for patient and client organisations, and is member of the Patient and Consumer Perspective of the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG).

This symposium is intended for trial participants, healthy volunteers and patients, patient organisations, academic and commercial sponsors, researchers, and doctors (both specialists and general practitioners).

Practical information

Venue: Pacheco Centre
Pachecolaan 13

Attendance is free, but you are required to register.

See the preliminary programme and register by email. Registrations end on Thursday, 20 September 2018. You will be registered only when you receive a confirmation from the FAMHP.

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