Call for an important projects of common European interest in the health sector

date: 23/03/2022

The FPS Economy published a call for interest from the Belgian federal and regional authorities for important projects of common European interest. The call is intended for economic operators who wish to take part in innovative projects at European level through various partnerships. The first documents should be sent by 30 March 2022 at the latest.

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted that Europe needs, among other things, sufficient capacity for the development and production of essential medicines and health products. There is also a need for better European coordination in the health sector.

The Belgian federal and regional authorities are therefore considering, together with several other member states, the establishment of a possible IPCEI in the health sector.
Therefore, the FPS Economy launched a call for interest from the Belgian federal and regional authorities for an IPCEI in the health sector, in particular in the following areas.
•    Innovation and greening of technologies and processes for the production of active substances, medicines and pharmaceutical products, including related products, especially for distribution and storage.
•    Innovation in antimicrobial resistance, rare diseases and emerging health threats.
•    Innovative technologies, platforms and production processes for cell and gene therapy.

This call for proposals is intended for economic operators interested in participating in innovative projects at European level through various partnerships.

More information
The submission of documents takes place in two stages. The first deadline is 30 March 2022, the second is 30 May 2022. 

All the information is available on the website of the FPS Economy.


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