In order to combat shortages of medical devices, care institutions have proceeded to manufacture medical devices and their accessories or to reprocess used medical devices. The FAMHP defines the modalities by means of a circular in order to offer more options to care institutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses a challenge to the usual production and distribution channels for medical devices. For this reason, care institutions have proceeded to manufacture medical devices and their accessories and reprocess used medical devices.
A circular from the FAMHP now sets out the framework and so offering healthcare institutions more opportunities to work with external companies on alternative solutions to address the proven shortages of necessary materials. This can be done, on the one hand, by producing certain medical devices "in-house" and, on the other hand, by reprocessing single-use medical devices.
This circular sets out the conditions and modalities under which this can be allowed to respond to the emergency situation.
The various guidelines published by the FAMHP can be found on our Guidance COVID-19 page, including the two notification forms requested in this circular.