Coronavirus: softening of measures concerning paracetamol

date: 14/04/2020

Sales of paracetamol in pharmacies have returned to normal. As a result, some of the measures taken by the FAMHP in mid-March have been softened. Pharmaceutical companies and wholesaler-distributors no longer need to apply quotas, except in the case of intravenous infusion. Delivery is, however, still limited to one box per patient.

No more quotas when supplying pharmacies

As of 19 March 2020, pharmaceutical companies and wholesale distributors had to meet quotas and were only allowed to supply pharmacies with a limited quantity of paracetamol-based medicinal products. This measure has now been lifted because the sale of these medicinal products has returned to normal. The FAMHP continues to follow stock trends closely.

However, the quota remains in effect for intravenous forms of administration. This type of medicinal product is important for the treatment of hospitalised patients.

Still only one box per patient

The measures will be gradually relaxed. As a precaution, the measure limiting delivery to just one box per patient remains applicable for the time being. 

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