Famhp publishes annual report 2015

date: 30/06/2016

As usual, you will find in the booklet Our results in facts and figures the core activities and key figures of the agency for 2015. This year, we have attempted to make this information more attractive, using infographics which, we hope, will be more readable than an endless series of numbers.  

We have also compiled the main accomplishments that famhp collaborators are keen to highlight for 2015 in our newspaper, The famhp times. With this presentation, famhp hopes to demonstrate that it deals with questions that are very important in our daily life.

Some of the articles that made it into the newspaper:

  • Recognition on a European level for famhp’s expertise
  • Procost: a pilot project to enhance the value of our services
  • The counterfeiting of medicines driven by the cult of performance and appearance
  • Good news: legislation purely for medicines for veterinary use
  • A network of materiovigilance contacts
  • Greater visibility for Risk Minimisation Activities
  • Inspection of Good Manufacturing Practices in third countries
  • New scope of competence for famhp: the inspection of medical devices in hospitals

The famhp times 2015 (FlipbookPDF) – Our results in facts and figures 2015 (Flipbook – PDF)

In order to meet your expectations even more next year, we kindly invite you to share your impressions of this annual report by email: comm@fagg-afmps.be.

If you require a printed version, or you would like to be informed of future publications, please send an email to comm@fagg-afmps.be.

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