Human body material: European tissue establishment compendium

date: 13/04/2017

Human body material: European tissue establishment compendium

All tissue establishments in Europe, including the ones located in Belgium, can from now on be found through a new compendium.

Human body material can only be procured, tested, processed, preserved, stored and distributed within an establishment for human body material (bank for human body material, intermediate structure for human body material or production establishment) that is accredited for this purpose.

The European tissue establishment compendium is the directory of all tissue establishments that are accredited, designated, authorised or licensed by the Member States competent authority/-ies (Directive EU 2015/565 amending Directive 2006/86/CE).

You can filter this directory by the type of tissues and cells (heart valves, skin, ova …), the type of activities (import, distribution, testing …), the establishment name and the city or country.

Further information:

Tissue establishments
European compendium

Last updated on 13/04/2017