Register now for the online information session on the new European veterinary medicines legislation on 15 October 2021

date: 28/09/2021

On 15 October 2021, the FAMHP is organising an online information session on the European Regulation 2019/6 regarding veterinary medicines. The information session is intended for people working in the Belgian pharmaceutical industry.

The online information session consists of a morning session and an afternoon session and will take place on 15 October 2021. A maximum of 200 people can participate.

Practical information
Register via before 11 October 2021. Please mention the following details:
•    name and email address of the participant;
•    name of the company;
•    registration for the morning session, the afternoon session or both.


Morning session
9:30 a.m. Introduction
10:00 a.m. Submission of marketing authorisation applications for veterinary medicines
10:30 a.m. Procedures and assessment of an application
11:30 a.m. Procedures after granting a marketing authorisation
12.15 a.m. Questions and answers

Afternoon session
2 p.m. Pharmacovigilance and advertising
3 p.m. Certificates, manufacturing and distribution authorisation
4 p.m. Questions and answers
4:15 p.m. Conclusion and expected impact of Regulation 2019/6

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