On 1 January 2025, the Royal Decree of 22 September 2024 on advertising of medicinal products for veterinary use will come into force. That Decree describes the mandatory notification procedure prior to the distribution of any advertisement for a medicinal product for veterinary use to the general public.
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Vaccine against epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus: authorisation for use in Belgium
The FAMHP authorises the use of the immunological veterinary medicinal product Hepizovac (suspension for injection from the company CZ Vaccines S.A.U.) intended for cattle.
Reminder - Deadline for registration of annual sales volume data for veterinary medicinal products
Marketing authorisation holders have until 29 February 2024 to submit annual sales volume data for veterinary medicinal products for 2023.
Deadline for registration of annual sales volume data for veterinary medical products
Marketing authorisation holders have until the end of February 2024 to submit annual sales volume data for veterinary medical products for 2023.
COVID-19: electronic files submission
Following the recommendations of the Belgian National Security Council regarding the coronavirus epidemic, the FAMHP encourages employees to work more from home. Therefore, we ask all our partners to submit their files to us electronically as much as possible.
Soumission électronique des dossiers d’AMM des médicaments à usage vétérinaire : nouvelle version du checker
A partir du 1er juillet 2013, la nouvelle guideline « vNeeS » et les nouvelles règles de validation entreront en vigueur pour les dossiers d’autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) des médicaments à usage vétérinaire. Le « checker » correspondant utilisé pour la validation technique de ces dossiers a fait l’objet d’un « release » de maintenance (v 2.2.a) pour en tenir compte.
Medicines for veterinary use: new QRD (Quality Review of Documents)
Within the European Medicines Agency, the Coordination group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralized Procedures – veterinary medicines (CMDv), and the "Quality Review of Documents "(QRD) Working Group reviewed at the end of 2012 the templates for the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC), package leaflet and labelling of veterinary medicines. The "QRD" templates Version 8 are now available.
Survey of external satisfaction
The federal agency for medicines and health products (famhp) will soon launch a first satisfaction survey to assess the quality of its services and products. The results of this will be communicated at the end of 2013 and will be used to improve the delivery of FAMHP services.