Participating in a clinical trial

As a healthy volunteer, it is best to contact your doctor, a university hospital (such as UZA, UZ Brussel, UZ Gent, UZ Leuven, CHU de Liège, CU Saint-Luc, Hôpital Erasme), a non-university hospital or a phase 1 research centre in your area.

As a patient, it is best to contact the doctor treating you (general practitioner or specialist) for more information about clinical trials for which you may be eligible.

The FAMHP has developed an online database with the information on all clinical trials in Belgium that have been approved by the agency and that have not yet been completed. Doctors can use this information to help healthy volunteers as well as their own patients to choose the clinical trial that is most appropriate for them. Visit the clinical trials database for more information on clinical trials in Belgium and/or contact an ethics committee .


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