Qualified person

The conditions to be recognised as a qualified person responsible for the manufacture and release of batches of veterinary medicinal products are set out in Article 97 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

If you meet these conditions and wish to be recognised as a qualified person (QPVet), you must send the following documents to the email address industry@fagg-afmps.be.

The requested recognition can only be granted when all the conditions mentioned in the Regulation (EU) 2019/6 are met and when we get all the requested documents. The application must contain the requested documents, each attached separately (one document = one attached file).

A qualified person candidate must complete the internship in a company with a manufacturing authorisation for veterinary medicinal products (implementation of Article 97 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6).
The internship certificate must be signed by the QP or QPVet of the company where the internship was performed.

Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products
DG Inspection - Industry Division/File Management and Persons Recognition Entity

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