
Invoicing national scientific-technical advice requests
Here you will find information on the fees applicable in 2024 for national scientific-technical advice (STA) requests submitted to the FAMHP. 
•    STA fees
•    Guidance document (see Regulations)
Fees apply to both initial and follow-up STA requests.

Applicants do not pay a fee when submitting an advice request but receive an invoice which is sent by the FAMHP Budget and Management Control Division after the request has been formally validated. With each payment, the structured communication on the invoice must be mentioned, allowing us to link the payment with the correct invoice, even if a third party makes the payment. Without structured communication the invoice will be considered as unpaid.

About the procedure
1. Each quarter the company receives an invoice for all requests for national STA that were submitted in the past quarter.
2. Each invoice mentions the references of the files.
3. The fact that the FAMHP does not use Purchase Order (PO) numbers is not a valid reason not to pay an invoice.
4. You always receive the invoice at the invoice address. Please include your email address for invoicing purposes in the covering letter when submitting the advice request.
5. Have you already paid a fee for a recent advice request? Send an email to refund@fagg-afmps.be to request a refund of the fee.
6. Any bank fees for payments from abroad cannot be charged to the FAMHP. These fees are to be borne by the payer.
7. If the applicant withdraws their STA request after its validation, the fee must still be paid.
8. If the FAMHP declares a formally submitted STA request invalid at the end of the validation phase of the procedure, no fee will be payable by the applicant.

Last updated on 12/12/2024