Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van de wetenschappelijke publicaties waar medewerkers van het fagg aan meegewerkt hebben.

Datum publicatie Artikel/advies Tijdschrift/overheidsinstelling Auteurs
10.2016 Cell-based therapies for cardiac repair: a meeting report on scientific observations and European regulatory viewpoints. Eur J Heart Fail. 2016 Feb;18(2):133-41. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.422. Epub 2015 Oct 16. Schüssler-Lenz M, Beuneu C, Menezes-Ferreira M, Jekerle V, Bartunek J, Chamuleau S, Celis P, Doevendans P, O'Donovan M, Hill J, Hystad M, Jovinge S, Kyselovič J, Lipnik-Stangelj M, Maciulaitis R, Prasad K, Samuel A, Tenhunen O, Tonn T, Rosano G, Zeiher A, Salmikangas P.
10.2016 Residues in Beeswax: A Health Risk for the Consumer of Honey and Beeswax? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry website Co-auteur: Bruno Urbain
10.2016 Clarification on the naming of a VMP and the use of standard terms

Regulatory Rapporteur

Valérie Van Merris, Hedi Hellenurm-Sepp
10.2016 Marketing authorisation transfer to a mutual recognition procedure for a veterinary product Regulatory Rapporteur

Valérie Van Merris, Johan Vanlerberghe,

02.2016 Waiving in vivo studies for monoclonal antibody biosimilar development: National and global challenges mAbs Journal, 8(3), 427-45. De Smet K. and Van Aerts A., Non-clinical studies for biosimilars (2017) Eds Endrenyi, Declerck and Chow,Taylor and Francis. Chapman K., Adjei A., Baldrick P., da Silva A., De Smet K., DiCicco R., Hong S.S., Jones D., Leach M., McBlane J., Ragan I., Reddy P., Stewart D., Suitters A. and Sims J.
Laatste update op 14/11/2019