Historic achievements

The following key activities and achievements were accomplished by the Scientific-Technical Advice and Knowledge Management (STA-KM) Unit of the FAMHP since its formal launch in march 2009 in view of facilitating and accelerating clinical research in Belgium and development of innovative medicines.

Date Key Activities and achievements
2007 Creation of the FAMHP.
March 2009 Establishment of the Scientific-Technical Advice & Knowledge Management (STA-KM) Unit and formal STA procedures.
January 2010 Pilot Project for development of the FAMHP’s internal & external Expert database.
January 2012 The FAMHP starts collaboration with other NCAs and Belgian health authorities (i.e. WIV-ISP, FANC-AFCN, FPS Public Health) to provide joint scientific-technical advice on multidisciplinary aspects of medicine development (i.e. WIV-ISP, FANC-AFCN, FPS Public Health) to provide joint scientific-technical advice on multidisciplinary aspects of medicine development (e.g. GMO, GLP issues) or specific product types (e.g. vaccines, radiopharmaceuticals) to provide a "one-stop-shop" advice procedure.
June 2012 The FAMHP expert database is operational and serves as a tool for expanding the FAMHP’s external networks of expertise.
December 2012 The FAMHP organises its first consultation platform with the academic sector.
January 2013 Launch of the new procedure for joint scientific-Health Technology Assessment (HTA) advice requests in collaboration with the Belgian reimbursement authorities.
March 2013 The FAMHP becomes a formal member of the Federal Taskforce on Nanomaterials coordinated by the FPS Public Health.
January 2014 Launch of the new procedure for portfolio meetings requests.
October 2014 The FAMHP hosts the annual TOPRA symposium and participates to the SME workshop.
February 2015 The FAMHP starts collaboration with Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) in order to facilitate and attract clinical research projects and R&D investments from foreign innovators/investors to Belgium.
March 2015 The FAMHP becomes a formal member of the EU-IN coordinated by the EMA and the HMA.
July 2015 Publication of the new guideline “Overview of procedures for submitting an application for clinical trials with GMO-medicinal products for human and veterinary use in Belgium”, in collaboration with the WIV-ISP.
March 2016 Online publication of the declarations of interest (DOI’s) of the members of the FAMHP’s formal committees and commissions, as well as those of the external and internal experts with whom the FAMHP collaborates.
May 2016 First national workshop organised for academic research centres/spin‐offs, academic hospitals, and SMEs: “National & EU Scientific Regulatory Support Mechanisms and Initiatives for Innovation in Drug Development.
May 2016 The FAMHP becomes a member of the Flemish life sciences & healthcare association “FlandersBio” and participates as an exhibitor to the “Knowledge for Growth” life sciences conference in Ghent.
May 2016 The FAMHP launches a national survey for academic research centres, spin-offs, academic hospitals to capture the current and future problems and hurdles they are confronted with in R&D of innovative medicines.
October 2016 The EU-IN, of which the FAMHP is a member, is formally endorsed as a working group of the HMA.
December 2016 The FAMHP becomes a member of the Walloon life sciences association “BioWin” and participates as an exhibitor to the “BioWin Day - Science for Business” in Louvain-la-Neuve.
December 2016 Second national workshop organised for pharmaceutical companies, SMEs, academic research centres, spin-offs, academic hospitals: “FAMHP and EMA Initiatives to Support Innovative Medicines Development: Implementation of a National Innovation Office as Part of the EU-IN”.
May 2017 Launch of the FAMHP's National Innovation Office.


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