Circulars published in 2013

15/07/2013: circular No. 601 (annex 1 et annex 2 + Q&A  
For the attention of holders of a marketing authorisation for medicines for veterinary use.
Marketing authorization holders notifying FAMHP about the local contact person and current information concerning (veterinary) pharmacovigilance.

15/07/2013: circular No. 600  (annex 1 et annex 2) + document QA    
For the attention of holders of marketing authorisation or registration of medicinal products for human use.
Authorization and registration holders notifying FAMHP about the local contact person and current information concerning human pharmacovigilance.

15/07/2013: circular No. 599  
For the attention of holders of marketing authorisation or registration of medicinal products for human use.
New European legislation on pharmacovigilance for medicinal products for human use (national marketing authorisations and registrations) – national application


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