The Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) will send out invoices for most of its services from now on. Consequently, companies will no longer need to make advance payments when submitting files.
To date, the FAMHP has collected most of its income through advance payments. It did this via an exact advance payment where companies payed the amount owed in advance and added proof of payment when submitting its file. Other companies payed via an allowance account, indicating the FAMHP could use this to pay the amount owed when submitting a file. For most of the FAMHPs services however, advance payment now is a thing of the past.
More efficient, customer-friendly income management
The advance payment system had a lot of problems. To prevent these problems, the FAMHP is moving to payment via invoice with structured messages. This new payment method promises to be more customer-friendly as well.
The new method is currently applicable to the following services and contributions:
- Directorate-General PRE authorisation:
- Pharmacopoeia/Raw Materials: unit
- Pharmacopoeia
- Monographs
- Annual contributions
- Marketing authorisation Division (human use)
- Annual contribution to the sale of homoeopathic medicines (variable tax)
- Research and Development Division (human use) - new from 15 April 2019:
- Clinical trial phase I accreditation
- Unmet medical need
- Clinical trials
- Clinical investigations medical devices
- Medicines for Veterinary Use Division:
- Quarterly fees for packaging
- Pharmacopoeia/Raw Materials: unit
- Directorate-General POST authorisation:
- Vigilance Division (pharmaco, materio, haemo, bio):
- Annual contributions per MA Human (variable tax)
- Annual contributions per MA Veterinary (variable tax)
- Health Products Division:
- Annual contributions for sales of Medical Devices (variable tax)
- Proper Use Division:
- Publicity
- RMAs
- Vigilance Division (pharmaco, materio, haemo, bio):
- Directorate-General Inspection:
- Certificates
- Brokers
- Declarations (export, contract manufacturing)
- API registrations
- Precursors
- Hormones
- Narcotics authorisations import/export
- Narcotics LONO
- Narcotics annual contributions (production, distribution and other)
- GMP subscriptions
- Certified lab subscriptions
- GCP inspections
- GDP subscriptions
- Annual contributions by wholesalers
- Responsible information (RIP)
- Annual contributions by pharmacies
- Fees on packaging:
- Annual fees for wholesalers and the wholesale distributors (variable tax)
- Annual fees for MA holders
From now on, companies will submit files for these services and contributions without making an advance payment. The FAMPHP will send them an invoice with structured message when their file is being treated. The FAMHP requests that no advance payments be made for these services and contributions, but to wait for the invoice (or invitation to pay) with a structured message for payment.
Transition period
Currently we are in a transition period. So companies may receive an invoice for a contribution that they have already (partially) paid via an advance payment. If that is the case, the FAMHP asks them to communicate the invoice number and proof of their advance payment in an e-mail to
Companies currently working with an allowance account should send an e-mail to The FAMHP will refund allowances upon simple request. The FAMHP will no longer use the credit in allowance accounts to pay fees. All companies will now pay their fees after receiving an invoice with a structured message.
Over this year, the FAMHP will also start collecting other fees via invoice with structured message. More information about the new method of payment can be found in this communication spread by the FAMHPs Budget and Management Control Division.